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Project list

StatusFinancial sponsorType of projectBeneficiary CountryTitleStart
ClosedECTwinningGeorgiaPromote the strengthening of E-Governance in Georgia (E-Government Georgia)30.11.2012
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaStrengthening the National Planning Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina11.02.2013
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaFurther harmonisation to EU practices and acquis on customs and taxation28.01.2013
ClosedECTwinningKosovoStrengthening readmission and sustainable reintegration in Kosovo04.02.2013
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaIntegrated Border Management - Further strengthening of enforcement capacities of the Customs and Border Police02.01.2013
ClosedECTwinning LightMontenegroPreparation of Customs Administration of Montenegro for implementation of New Computerised Transit System – NCTS18.01.2013
ClosedECTwinningJordanSupport the Jordanian Traffic Institute/Public Security Directorate in traffic safety management01.09.2013
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaStrengthening Institutional Capacity for Quality Assurance13.09.2013
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaSupporting the capacity of CTA for further development of EU information exchange systems13.01.2014
ClosedECTwinningAlbaniaImplementation of a modern Financial Management and Control System and Public Financial Inspection in Albania01.09.2014
ClosedECTwinningGeorgiaStrengthening Administrative Capacity of the Georgian Revenue Service in Taxation11.05.2014
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaHarmonization of the Croatian Customs Administration with the standards, organization and operational methodology of EU post-clearance control and audit22.04.2014
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaStrengthening capacities of the Ministry of the Interior to combat cybercrime23.06.2014
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaHarmonization of the legislation and procedures with the acquis and EU best practice related to excise01.03.2015
ClosedECTwinningMontenegroSupport the adoption of the Schengen acquis02.11.2014
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaStrengthening Law Enforcement in Bosnia and Herzegovina24.06.2016
ClosedECService ContractSahelCT Sahel-Mise en oeuvre01.03.2012
ClosedECGrantMultiGemeinsame Ermittlungen mit den Ländern am Westbalkan zur Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität und deren Auswirkungen auf die Europäische Union01.09.2013
ClosedDEZAService ContractMultiFurther development of ILECUs and Strengthening of the Strategic Approach of SEPCA within SEE to Combat Transnational crime01.09.2013
ClosedECGrantAustriaEine datenschutzkonforme Anbindung relevanter nationaler Datenbanken an eine AT-PIU01.01.2014
ClosedECGrantMultiOperation FIMATHU (Factilitation lllegal-Migation-effected-Austria-Hungary)01.01.2013
ClosedECGrantMultiOperational cooperation for fighting sexual exploitation committed by Hungarian-based organized crime groups in Europe (SAUngarn)01.01.2014
ClosedKIRAS/bmvitResearch & DevelopmentAustriaQuOIMA – Quelloffene Integrierte Multimedia Analyse01.10.2012
ClosedECTwinning LightSlovakiaHarmonisation of legislation in the field of VAT application to intra-community goods, supplies and services within the unified EU market12.03.2003
ClosedECTwinning LightSlovakiaDesign of Budgetary System for Contributions to/from the EU Budget after Accession18.08.2003
ClosedECTwinning LightSloveniaPreparation of the national customs law and finalisation of the system of indirect taxation with European Acquis19.08.2003
ClosedECTwinning LightEstoniaAssistance to the Ministry of Finance for improving administrative capacity in the field of public procurement25.03.2004
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaImplementation of the integrated tariff of the European Union-TARIC (TARIR)19.08.2002
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaStrengthening the inter-operability of Romanian customs administration through the implementation of the strategy of inter-operability with EU systems05.08.2003
ClosedECTwinning LightSlovakiaIntroduction of New Act on Value Added Tax and New Acts on Excise Duties into Practice30.11.2004
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaIntegrated Border Management - Customs01.03.2003
ClosedECTwinning LightHungaryReinforcement of Customs Control Capacity at the Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard01.12.2004
ClosedECTwinning LightMaltaInstitutional Building of the Occupational Health and Safety Authority in Malta27.04.2005
ClosedECTwinning LightLatviaStrengthening of functions, performed by the Audit department of Rural Support Service15.11.2005
ClosedECTwinning LightSlovakiaImprovement of the Readiness of the Police of the Slovak Republic for Accession to the EUROPOL31.08.2004
ClosedECTwinning LightRomaniaResource Centre for countering Trafficking in Human Beings06.12.2005
ClosedECTwinning LightLatviaPost-clearance Audit Reinforcement Project14.06.2005
ClosedECTwinning LightHungaryFight against commercial Fraud - Reinforcement of the Chemical Institute of the HCFG26.04.2006
ClosedECTwinningHungaryFight against commercial Fraud - Strengthening the administrative capacity of the HCFG as regards inspections and laboratory examination01.11.2005
ClosedECTwinning LightMaltaStrengthening Malta’s Capacity to Issue Visas20.01.2006
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaIntegrated Border Management Enhancing Inter-agency coooperation01.04.2004
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaSetting up the EUROPOL Unit01.07.2004
ClosedECTwinning LightSloveniaPart A: "Training of the staff for Police Cooperation"22.12.2006
ClosedECTwinning LightHungaryPreperation of the Joint Audit08.01.2007
ClosedECGrantRussian FederationRole of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in implementing legal and administrative reforms. Compliance of normative acts with federal legislation / normative legal acts hierarchy31.12.2004
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaPreventing and Combating Money Laundering19.06.2006
ClosedECTwinning LightHungaryEnhancement of Active Citizenship of Young People08.01.2007
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaImplementation of the harmonized legislation on occupational safety and health in the small and medium-sized enterprises01.03.2006
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaCommunity transit-conform customs procedures and IT interconnectivity System (NCTS)13.07.2005
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaStrengthening the Taxation System in the VAT field to prepare the development of the VIES IT interconnectivity system (VIES I)08.01.2006
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaModernisation of the Customs Administration in view of preparing for the Integrated Tariff Management System (ITMS)04.11.2005
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaSupport to the Customs Administration in the field of excise duties (EMCS)01.03.2006
ClosedECTwinningAlbaniaDevelopment of the Albanian State Police´s Criminal Intelligence Gathering and Analysis Capability29.09.2006
ClosedECTwinning LightBulgariaImprovement of review system in Bulgaria in the areas of Public Procurement and Concessions30.10.2007
ClosedECTwinning LightLatviaEnhancement of adminitrative capacity in the area of family support co-ordination system13.12.2007
ClosedECTwinningSlovakiaStrengthening the Occupational Health and Safety Structure04.09.2007
ClosedECTwinning LightHungaryReinforcement and training of the criminal service of the Hungarian customs administration in the fight against frauds – especially carousel VAT fraud on the single market – threatening the economy and violating the financial interests of the European Union31.12.2007
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaInstitutional Building, secondary legislation drafting and training concerning the movable cultural Heritage and cultural goods17.09.2007
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaStrengthening of the School of Public Finance01.04.2007
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaTARIC (ITMS II) Adaptation - Management Support09.11.2007
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaNCTS 2 Implementation - Management Support Twinning07.09.2007
ClosedECTwinningPolandFurther Strengthening of the Polish Customs Service02.09.2007
ClosedECTwinning LightRomaniaInstitutional and organisational reinforcing of units responsible for ex-post control falling under the regulation (EEC) 4045/89 on ex post controls of expenditures from EAGF for intervention measures, as far as covered by the above mentioned regulation, export refunds and partly rural development, as far as covered by the above mentioned regulation28.11.2008
ClosedECTwinningEgyptInstitutional strengthening of the Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA)09.04.2007
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaVIES II - Effective Management and Business Support28.11.2007
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaEMCS 2 Development - Management support16.11.2007
ClosedECTwinning LightRomaniaStrengthening capacity of The Unit for the Coordination and Verification of Public Procurement (UCVPP) regarding the public procurement verification procedures22.04.2008
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaImproving the Management of Human Resources of the Romanian Police18.02.2009
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaSupport for the development of community mental health services and the deinstitutionalization of persons with mental disorders26.11.2007
ClosedECTwinningEgyptInstitutional strengthening of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) in Egypt17.01.2008
ClosedECTwinningUkraineSupport to Strengthening of Road Freight and Passenger Transport Safety in Ukraine24.09.2008
ClosedECTwinningRomaniaStrengthening the internal audit capacity by developing the association process for the small public entities and the attestation system for the internal auditors16.02.2009
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaITMS III ITMS Adaptation-Management Support-Twinning01.03.2009
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaEMCS III - EMCS and AEO Development-Management Support Twinning12.05.2009
ClosedECTwinning LightMacedoniaStrengthening the administrative capacity of the Public Revenue Office (PRO) in the areas of investigation and fight against tax evasion through trainings of staff, and improved communication channels24.03.2010
ClosedECTwinningBulgariaEnhancement of the capacity of the Bulgarian police though the introduction of EU models and methodics for crime analysis14.07.2009
ClosedECTwinningUkraineSupport to Transport Policy Design and Implementation in Ukraine05.01.2009
ClosedECTwinningSerbiaImplementation of Integrated Border Management Serbia01.09.2009
ClosedECTwinningEgyptEnhancing road safety in Egypt through the reform of road safety planning and operations23.09.2008
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaInstitutional Strengthening of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)04.01.2010
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaVIES III - Strengthening and Enhancement of the Croatian Tax Administration IT function to Achieve the EU Standards in the VAT Field01.06.2009
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaStrengthening Capacities of Ministry of the Interior to Combat Narcotic Drugs Trafficking and Drug Abuse06.01.2010
ClosedECTwinningMontenegroSupport to the Customs Administration18.01.2010
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaStrengthening capacities to remedy irregularities in public procurement procedures28.01.2011
ClosedECTwinningAlbaniaSupport to the alignment of Customs Procedures with EU Standards01.02.2010
ClosedECTwinningKosovoStrengthening the Rule of Law in Kosovo (Readmission and Asylum)15.11.2009
ClosedECTwinning LightMontenegroSupport the implementation of the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) model24.04.2011
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaStrengthening of the Tax Administration in the fight against corruption13.05.2011
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaHealth and Safety at Work10.01.2011
ClosedECTwinningMoroccoAppui au Renforcement de la Sécurité Routière au Maroc10.11.2010
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaSupport for the implementation of the BiH Integrated Border Management (IBM) Strategy and Action Plan17.01.2011
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaSupport to further EU Acquis alignment of the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH06.12.2010
ClosedECTwinningGeorgiaHarmonisation with EU norms of the legislation and standards of Georgia in the field of Civil Aviation25.04.2011
ClosedECTwinningGeorgiaSupport to the tourism sector in Georgia09.01.2012
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaSupport to the National Employment Policy01.09.2011
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaSupporting Integration of Ethnic Communities in the Educational System01.07.2012
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaReinforcement of the administrative and technical capacity with a view to ensuring efficient performance of the activities of the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency (CCAA) and enhancement of the administrative and technical capacity of the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Agency (AAIA)01.03.2012
ClosedWorld BankService ContractKazakhstanPublic Expenditure Review05.12.2004
ClosedDEZAService ContractRomaniaTraining of the senior management and the assistant officers of the new created General Directorate Countering Organized Crime and Anti Drug in Romania01.06.2004
ClosedECService ContractBalkanTactical and technical course for law enforcement experts and analysts in euro counterfeiting15.03.2005
ClosedDEZAService ContractMoldovaTraining of the Senior Management of the Moldavian Police and Prosecutor's office in Moldavia13.12.2005
ClosedFederal Republic of GermanyService ContractBalkanPolice Co-operation Convention for South Eastern Europe (PCC)18.04.2005
ClosedADAService ContractMoldovaEntwicklung eines Zeugenschutzprogrammes für das Innenministerium der Republik Moldau01.12.2005
ClosedHungarian Ministry of Justice and law EnforcementService ContractHungaryBeratung und Unterstützung im Bereich Häftlingsbeschäftigung (bilateral)01.12.2006
ClosedDEZAService ContractBosnia and HerzegovinaTraining of the senior management and the assistant officers of the new created State and Protection Agency (SIPA) in Bosnia and Herzegovina06.07.2005
ClosedDEZAService ContractMacedoniaTraining of the senior management of the Public Security Office in Macedonia13.12.2005
ClosedDEZAService ContractBosnia and HerzegovinaSenior-Management-Training for the Ministry of Security in Bosnia and Herzegovina01.10.2006
ClosedECService ContractBelarusEnhancing Asylum Conditions and international Protection in the Republic of Belarus (AENEAS 2) (Study visit für weissrussiche Delegation im BMI)27.04.2009
ClosedECService ContractGeorgiaMission of Needs Assessment/Identification in the context of the future rehabilitation/Reconstruction of damaged areas and sectors of Georgia23.08.2008
ClosedECService ContractHaitiReinforcing crisis preparedness in Haiti12.03.2010
ClosedECService ContractPakistanPrefeasibility Study for a Counter-terrorism Programme in Pakistan04.08.2010
ClosedECService ContractHaitiDevelopment of work plan for ministry of finance18.04.2009
ClosedECService ContractCongoIdentification Mission for a police reform programme in DRC30.03.2009
ClosedECService ContractMultiCapacity building for stemming illicit SALW trafficking via air - Pre-feasibility in the Great lakes Region20.05.2010
ClosedECGrantBalkanEstablishment of International Law Enforcement Co-ordination Units (ILECUs)01.09.2008
ClosedADAService ContractBalkanUnterstützung der Länder Südeuropas beim Aufbau von polizeilichen Kapazitäten zur Eindämmung von THB, Schlepperei und illegaler Migration01.12.2005
ClosedADAService ContractSerbiaStrategic Partnership in Support of the Integrated Regional Development Plan of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina01.01.2007
ClosedECService ContractPakistanCounter-terrorism Pakistan - Pre-feasibility Study07.02.2011
ClosedDEZAService ContractMultiSenior Management Training for the Border Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Police in Kosovo01.08.2009
ClosedWorld BankService ContractCroatiaRevenue Administration Modernization Project (RAMP) - Business Process Analysis and Reengineering of Core Operational and Headquarter functions09.11.2009
ClosedECGrantAlbaniaPolice Assistance Mission of the European Community to Albania (PAMECA) III28.10.2008
ClosedECService ContractPakistanCivilian Capacity Building for Law Enforcement in Pakistan (CCBLE)01.03.2010
ClosedADAService ContractKosovoMultidimensional Project for the Implementation of an Institutionalised Partnership between Austria and Kosovo in the Field of Higher Education, Research and Innovation01.12.2006
ClosedECGrantMultiPolice Cooperation Regional support to strengthen the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) Centre / SELEC for combating trans border crime10.01.2011
ClosedECService ContractKazakhstanVET Institutional Partnership Project (VIPP)01.02.2012
ClosedECGrantBalkan and TurkeyPolice cooperation: Fight against organised crime, in particular illicit drug trafficking, and the prevention of terrorism01.02.2010
ClosedECService ContractPakistanIdentification and Formulation Study for a project on Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan18.10.2012
ClosedWorld BankService ContractCroatiaRevenue Administration Modernization Project (RAMP) - Implementation and Monitoring of Reengineered Business Processes within CTA including National Large Tax Office18.06.2012
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaStrengthening the administrative capacity of Croatian Tax Administration on mutual cooperation in the field of taxation05.10.2012
ClosedECGrantBalkanEuropean Anti-Corruption Training ("Practice meets Practice")30.09.2011
ClosedECGrantBalkanJoint Investigations along the Balkan Route to combat drug trafficking into the EU (incl. precursor-smuggling and confiscation of criminal assets)01.04.2013
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaDeveloping an advanced intelligence gathering and analysis system in the fight against organised crime07.09.2015
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration25.05.2015
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU MSs04.05.2015
ClosedECGrantBalkanJoint Investigations along the Balkan Route to combat drug trafficking into the EU (incl. precursor-smuggling and confiscation of criminal assets)01.02.2015
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaSupport to the Fight against Money Laundering03.04.2017
ClosedKIRAS/bmvitResearch & DevelopmentAustriaEBeCa: Evaluation & Begletiung der Einführung von Body Worn Cameras. Resonanzanalyse, Wahrnehmung, Begleitmaßnahmen & Empfehlung01.10.2015
ClosedKIRAS/bmvitResearch & DevelopmentAustriaMobile Kommunikations- und Multi-Sensorlösung für Sicherheits- und Risikomanagement im Freiland und im Objektschutz01.12.2016
ClosedKIRAS/bmvitResearch & DevelopmentAustriaLob versus Strafe02.01.2016
ClosedEC / SRSSGrantCyprusTechnical Assistance for Reforming the Building Legislation Framework01.08.2016
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaCroatian Tax Administration Information System applications development supervision (CRO TAXIT)10.10.2016
ClosedEC H2020Research & DevelopmentMultiUnderstand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals01.09.2016
ClosedECGrantMultiSystematische Nutzung "Neue Medien" im Rahmen der Polizeiarbeit auf allen Ebenen (ISF)18.09.2015
ClosedECResearch & DevelopmentMultiCROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation01.12.2016
ClosedECGrantMultiStrategic Partnership for Improving Training in Law Enforcement public Institutions01.12.2014
ClosedECGrantMultiOrganised Property Crime Eurasia (OPC-EU)22.10.2015
ClosedECGrantMultiOrganised Crime - Coordinator Network for Law Enforcement information exchange01.12.2015
ClosedECGrantMultiStrategische Kriminalpolizeiliche Vorausschau (strategic foresight) - AKRONYM: BK-Radar01.03.2016
ClosedECGrantMultiInternationales Lagezentrum für kriminalpolizeiliche Großereignisse, als Maßnahme des nationalen Programms 2014.-2020, Objective Crime Early Warnings and Crisis01.10.2015
ClosedECTwinning LightCroatiaStrengthening of the Agency for the Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (Audit Authority) for the Audit of EAGF, EAFRD and EMFF (CRO AGRI AUDIT)24.06.2016
ClosedECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaImproving capacity of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina09.01.2017
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 201.04.2016
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU MSs 201610.05.2016
ClosedECGrantMultiInternationales Know-How „Personal-Sharing“ im Bereich „National Contact Points“ / Akronym „Info Exchange26.04.2016
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaFurther harmonisation of the Customs Administration with the EU acquis in the field of inspection supervisions (CRO CUSTOMS AUDIT)01.01.2017
ClosedECTwinningCroatiaSystem connecting and recommendations for further development of human resources management according to best EU practices (CRO HRM)08.01.2017
ClosedECGrantMultiOrganised Property Crime Westbalkan - OPC-WB01.08.2016
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 301.01.2017
ClosedECGrantAustriaUmsetzung der PNR Richtlinie in Österreich01.12.2016
ClosedECGrantMultiJoint investigation to fight trafficking in drugs and firearms with the main focs on international airports within and also in the EU01.12.2016
ClosedECGrantAustriaBS GmbH01.07.2014
ClosedECGrantAustriaOperative Fallanalyse01.03.2017
ClosedECGrantMultiImmigrant smuggling control along the Silk Migration Route01.01.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 401.05.2017
ClosedECTwinningMacedoniaStrengthening the operational and institutional capacities of the Customs Administration17.09.2017
ClosedECTwinning LightBosnia and HerzegovinaImproving capacity of Internal Audit Department of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina03.09.2017
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaResilienzfokussierte Entwicklung eines partizipativen, multimedialen und interaktiven Maßnahmen- und Bewusstseinsbildungs- Ansatzes für Lehrkräfte und Peers zur Prävention von Abwertungs- Ideologien, Radikalisierung und Extremismus im schulischen und pädagogischen Umfeld.01.04.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 503.05.2017
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU MSs 201717.07.2017
ClosedEC / SRSSGrantLithuaniaSupport for the Reform of the Lithuanian Public Administration01.11.2017
ClosedECGrantAustriaDrug Policing01.07.2017
ClosedECGrantAustriaEuropean Standards in Organised Crime Information Exchange (Esocex)01.09.2017
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 601.03.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU Member States 201801.03.2018
ClosedKIRAS/bmvitResearch & DevelopmentAustriaPRS Informations-Modellierung und Server Konzept für Österreich01.10.2018
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaSecuring of Food Production and Logistics with Distributed Ledger01.02.2019
ClosedECGrantAustriaVerstärkung der direkten Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der operativen Bekämpfung der OK Schlepperei01.01.2018
ClosedECGrantAustriaAustausch internationaler Experten - Verstärkung der direkten Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der operativen Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels/grenzüberschreitender Prostitutionshandels15.12.2017
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Ilegal Immigration 7 (LVG)26.02.2018
ClosedECTwinningSerbiaSupport to strengthening fight against trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Serbia24.09.2018
ClosedECGrantAustriaReal Time Informations Exchange01.02.2018
RunningEC / SRSSGrantItalySupport to the Management of Complaints by Whistleblowers in Italy01.09.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 8 (LVG)01.09.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiOP Option - Criminal Finances Money Laundering and Asset Recovery01.09.2018
ClosedECGrantAustriaUnterstützung ISF01.08.2018
ClosedECGrantMultiUMF3plus, Universal Message Format 3 plus01.10.2018
ClosedECGrantAustriaAnalyse Geldwäsche01.10.2018
ClosedBKService ContractAustria"DeHydra"- Polykriminelle Sümpfe austrocknen01.11.2018
ClosedECGrantMulti"MEMO" - Mutual-Exchange-of Modi Operandi in Violent Crimes Cases01.01.2019
ClosedECGrantMulti"Westeros", Enhancing the fight against trafficking of human beings and its proceeds through advanced financial investigation01.01.2019
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiOperation targeting OCG corruption of bonded warehouses (EMPACT Excise Fraud 5)01.11.2018
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 901.02.2019
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 10 (LVG)01.02.2019
ClosedECGrantMultiCombatting suspects dealing in drugs on the Internet- prosecution and prevention01.02.2019
RunningECTwinningBelarusStrengthening the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus02.09.2019
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaBioCapture - Biometrie Capture Tool für die Polizei im mobilen Einsatz01.10.2019
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaPRS Informations-Modellierung und Server Konzept für Österreich Umsetzung von Galileo PRS01.01.2020
RunningEC / SRSSGrantItalyReinforcing the institutional Corruption Prevention Community in Italy01.10.2019
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU Member States 2019 (Excise Fraud 6)01.02.2019
ClosedECTwinning LightBosnia and HerzegovinaSupport to development of effective internal control and audit environment in the ITA BiH16.09.2019
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 12 (LVG)15.04.2019
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiScrutineering Supply Chains Facilitating Mediterranean Transition - MARE SUPPLY (LVG)01.05.2019
RunningECTwinningMacedoniaImproving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy21.01.2020
RunningECTwinningSerbiaSupport to the preparation for the establishment of the "Supplementary Information Request at the National Entries" (SIRENE) Bureau in Serbia02.03.2020
RunningECGrantMultiCOP-North Africa against Migrant SMUGGling and THB / SMUGG01.01.2020
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 13 (LVG)15.10.2019
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 1424.02.2020
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU Member States 2020 (Excise Fraud 7)24.02.2020
RunningEC H2020Research & DevelopmentMultiIdentity Management in PUbLic Services -A multidimensional analysis of disruptive technology approaches01.02.2021
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaKI Secure - Künstliche Intelligenz für Multi-Sensorlösungen zur Autonomen Sicherung Kritischer Infrastruktur01.11.2020
RunningKIRAS/BundResearch & DevelopmentAustriaUASwarn - Selbstorganisierende Drohnenschwärme zur Einsatzunterstützung in Katastrophenfällen und bei der Vermisstensuche02.11.2020
RunningECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaFurther support to Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of BiH01.03.2021
RunningECTwinningJordanSupport the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in the Fields of Integrity and Corruption Prevention25.02.2021
RunningECTwinningAlbaniaSupport to the Albanian Customs Administration in relation to the implementation of the EU Customs Code and increase of operational capacities in the area of counterfeit goods24.11.2020
RunningECGrantMacedoniaEU Support for Rule of Law18.01.2021
RunningECTwinningBosnia and HerzegovinaEU 4 Fight against Cybercrime in BiH01.05.2021
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT AG Alpha-Pannonia (LVG)01.10.2020
RunningECTwinningSerbiaStrengthened capacities (human and legal) of Criminal Police Department and Special Prosecution Office for Combating High-Tech Crime and public awareness17.01.2022
RunningWorld BankService ContractSerbiaConsulting Services for Business Process Re-Engineering of Tax Operations, including Training of Trainers to Introduce the New Functions to the STA Operational Units24.05.2021
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 1501.03.2021
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiDisruption of Excise Crime across EU Member States 2021 (Excise Fraud 8)01.03.2021
RunningECGrantMultiJoint Enforcement Activities against Western Balkans Criminal Cartels - Combating Balkan Cartels and their "High Value Targets" (HVT) in the area of illicit drug trafficking / BaCar_Drugs01.03.2021
RunningECTwinningZambiaPeer-to-Peer institutional support to the Office of the Auditor General in Zambia15.06.2021
ClosedEC / EuropolGrantMultiOperational Task Force (OTF) 324 GREEN LIGHT OTF I07.05.2021
RunningEC / EuropolGrantMultiEMPACT Illegal Immigration 16 (LVG)01.06.2021